He is growing so fast!
Words he can say:
- Baby
- Bye Bye
- Night Night (niiii niiiii)
- Car (caaaaa)
- Ball (baaaaa)
- teee teee (when the dog needs to go out!)
- Dada (all the damn time)
- Momma (sometimes)
He never says anything on a regular basis, just occassionally.
He also knows where his belly button is and tells/shows everyone when asked :).
Tonight I discovered that he also knows where his nose is!!! I said "where is your belly button, and he lifted his shirt and pointed to it, then I said "where is your nose?" and he pointed to it!!!! He is soooo smart! heheheheheh
He is staying up a little later too!
He gets in trouble at school for hitting. He rolls his eyes too, very very deliberately!
Being a mom is so awesome, hard and exciting all at the same time! The only real hard parts are wanting to sleep in sometimes when I can't because he wants to wake up earlY! And temper tantrums for no reason whatsoever!! Plus the constant fear of him hurting himself, choking, falling, etc!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Why can't I blog as much as I used to? Why don't I just MAKE the time? Why doesn't what I write sound as good as it used to?? WHatever....here goes another blog. Just cause.
Let's see.....since my last blog, alot of nothing has happened really. LOL. No, really life is busy, but nothing major! Mostly my time is spent working all day and then spending all evening with my son and my hubby. Gavin does such cute things! He loves to dance! He likes any type of music, even the general hospital theme song! He dances to anything with any kinda beat. He is getting more cuddly, which I LOVE. He is getting more little boy like, and less baby like everyday! He has the most precious giggle ever and he is super ticklish! He still loves bath time! His favorite foods are peaches, mandarin oranges, cheesy hotdogs, chicken, corny dogs, cinnamon toast waffles, and blueberries! He also loves anything that me or daddy is eating! LOL. He has stopped liking to eat breakfast, but he loves to drink carnation instant breakfast so that's the only way he gets his morning nutrition! He is acting better at school lately. He gets injured alot there though. lol they say it's how toddlers are. He is also now tall enough to run smack into the tailgate. LOL. Poor guy has done it twice now. He loves DIRT and outside very very much! He climbs the stairs to bed at night. He loves his puppy blanket even more these days. He also loves his dancing singing rockin' dog. He loves to ride his horsey and play his MP3 player with his headphones on. He hasn't gotten anymore new teeth lately. He loves his real life doggy, Maggie very much, he pets her so soft and gentle until he gets excited and then he practically choke hugs her, but she doesn't mind or react badly. She just sits there and accepts that he is a toddler and doesn't know better. She loves her human LOL. Gavin loves LENKA. LOL. And PINK! Such a smart boy! He still isn't really talking but he is babbling more. SOMETIMES he will say "bye bye", "Nigh Nigh", or "teee teee", and I've heard that he can say "ball" but I've never heard it. THe others he says when and if he wants to, not that often. :(. I'm sure on his 18 month appt next week they will consider sending him to Speech Therapist but I just don't know. Lots of people tell me it's normal and not to worry, but I still do. Oh and he also likes kisses and hugs alot!!!
Work is great. Busy but great. Lots of things to do to get us big and productive as quick as possible. I can't wait to hire more staff so I won't have like 10 jobs to do myself!!
This weekend me, michelle, amanda, kristi and angela went to Bossier City. It was SUPER fun. We stayed friday night at a hotel and we gambled and drank and were merry! LOL It was a blast. I'll post pics soon, but I already did put them on my facebook page. We also got a bunch of Mchelle's baby shower planned, now I gotta get busy with the games and favors!!
We got a new bigger flat screen TV which I love! And a new entertainment center to put it on! Plus we got our new king size mattress and it is sooooo big and soft! We have SO much more room though we still both sleep in the same spot LOL. And we have this new loveseat with dual recliners in it that I can't wait to get in! It's great cause it has a center console thing to hold the remotes so Gavin won't destroy them!! Heheheheh
I had so much more to write but my mind is drawing a blank......Chris says it's time for bed...LOL So Goodnight!
Let's see.....since my last blog, alot of nothing has happened really. LOL. No, really life is busy, but nothing major! Mostly my time is spent working all day and then spending all evening with my son and my hubby. Gavin does such cute things! He loves to dance! He likes any type of music, even the general hospital theme song! He dances to anything with any kinda beat. He is getting more cuddly, which I LOVE. He is getting more little boy like, and less baby like everyday! He has the most precious giggle ever and he is super ticklish! He still loves bath time! His favorite foods are peaches, mandarin oranges, cheesy hotdogs, chicken, corny dogs, cinnamon toast waffles, and blueberries! He also loves anything that me or daddy is eating! LOL. He has stopped liking to eat breakfast, but he loves to drink carnation instant breakfast so that's the only way he gets his morning nutrition! He is acting better at school lately. He gets injured alot there though. lol they say it's how toddlers are. He is also now tall enough to run smack into the tailgate. LOL. Poor guy has done it twice now. He loves DIRT and outside very very much! He climbs the stairs to bed at night. He loves his puppy blanket even more these days. He also loves his dancing singing rockin' dog. He loves to ride his horsey and play his MP3 player with his headphones on. He hasn't gotten anymore new teeth lately. He loves his real life doggy, Maggie very much, he pets her so soft and gentle until he gets excited and then he practically choke hugs her, but she doesn't mind or react badly. She just sits there and accepts that he is a toddler and doesn't know better. She loves her human LOL. Gavin loves LENKA. LOL. And PINK! Such a smart boy! He still isn't really talking but he is babbling more. SOMETIMES he will say "bye bye", "Nigh Nigh", or "teee teee", and I've heard that he can say "ball" but I've never heard it. THe others he says when and if he wants to, not that often. :(. I'm sure on his 18 month appt next week they will consider sending him to Speech Therapist but I just don't know. Lots of people tell me it's normal and not to worry, but I still do. Oh and he also likes kisses and hugs alot!!!
Work is great. Busy but great. Lots of things to do to get us big and productive as quick as possible. I can't wait to hire more staff so I won't have like 10 jobs to do myself!!
This weekend me, michelle, amanda, kristi and angela went to Bossier City. It was SUPER fun. We stayed friday night at a hotel and we gambled and drank and were merry! LOL It was a blast. I'll post pics soon, but I already did put them on my facebook page. We also got a bunch of Mchelle's baby shower planned, now I gotta get busy with the games and favors!!
We got a new bigger flat screen TV which I love! And a new entertainment center to put it on! Plus we got our new king size mattress and it is sooooo big and soft! We have SO much more room though we still both sleep in the same spot LOL. And we have this new loveseat with dual recliners in it that I can't wait to get in! It's great cause it has a center console thing to hold the remotes so Gavin won't destroy them!! Heheheheh
I had so much more to write but my mind is drawing a blank......Chris says it's time for bed...LOL So Goodnight!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
I can't believe it's going to be March tomorrow! This year is flying by! Actually the older I get, the quicker time flies by! And the horrible thing is I'm just 28! I'm trying to enjoy more in life instead of worrying so much or just planning future things.
I need to scrapbook again. I've only done one page since August!!!! It disgusts me. Especially knowing how much money I've spent on scrapbook stuff. And it's sitting in the room. Growing dust. I've just been so super busy the last few months. But hopefully things will calm down enough to give me time to do it again. I miss it greatly. It's my stress reliever! The only creative things I've done since August were all my Stampin' Up classes and stuff. Better little than none.
This week was super busy so I was glad for it to end! Just sooooo much work to do and I still have this horrible cough and just get tired easy. Flu lasts forever. :(. Last night was mine and Michelle's Friday night "date" night lol. We went to eat at Julians which we loooooove, then we went to see Confessions of a Shopaholic. It was a great chic movie! I wish we had more time together :(. We had a little bit of a talk waiting for the movie about things going on recently, and she totally reassured me that we are best friends like no other! lol. She gets my point of view on things I think, and that's a start!
Today I got to spend some time with Michelle again! We went glasses shopping together, then I went to lunch with her and her family. Her mom and dad always make me feel like family too! They even insist on buying my lunch usually! They are great parents that she has! Then we went to Michelle's 4D ultrasound! WHat little we could see of Victoria she is sooooo adorable! She has an adorable nose! But she was hiding behind the placenta so she is having a redo in a few days! Can't wait to see more! Today I spent most of my tax return! lol. I got an eye exam, new glasses, new sunglasses too. We also bought a new mattress set and loveseat that has recliners on both sides with a center console thingy in it. LOVE IT! Sucks but the mattress will be delivered thursday, an the loveseat was back ordered so it won't be in until probably the 11th. We also went and bought a big ol' 40" flat screen TV since ours has bad sound that's going out now. Tomorrow we will get an entertainment center and set it up! We also realllllly need to get groceries!
I can't wait till this coming friday night! We are going to Bossier City! Michelle wanted a girls night and sooooo that's what we are doing! Amanda and her bff Angela are going too! I can't wait. For one night, it will be super nice!
Gavin is adorable lately! He says "BYE" and is so cute when he does! He also blows kisses! hehehe cute boy!
I need to scrapbook again. I've only done one page since August!!!! It disgusts me. Especially knowing how much money I've spent on scrapbook stuff. And it's sitting in the room. Growing dust. I've just been so super busy the last few months. But hopefully things will calm down enough to give me time to do it again. I miss it greatly. It's my stress reliever! The only creative things I've done since August were all my Stampin' Up classes and stuff. Better little than none.
This week was super busy so I was glad for it to end! Just sooooo much work to do and I still have this horrible cough and just get tired easy. Flu lasts forever. :(. Last night was mine and Michelle's Friday night "date" night lol. We went to eat at Julians which we loooooove, then we went to see Confessions of a Shopaholic. It was a great chic movie! I wish we had more time together :(. We had a little bit of a talk waiting for the movie about things going on recently, and she totally reassured me that we are best friends like no other! lol. She gets my point of view on things I think, and that's a start!
Today I got to spend some time with Michelle again! We went glasses shopping together, then I went to lunch with her and her family. Her mom and dad always make me feel like family too! They even insist on buying my lunch usually! They are great parents that she has! Then we went to Michelle's 4D ultrasound! WHat little we could see of Victoria she is sooooo adorable! She has an adorable nose! But she was hiding behind the placenta so she is having a redo in a few days! Can't wait to see more! Today I spent most of my tax return! lol. I got an eye exam, new glasses, new sunglasses too. We also bought a new mattress set and loveseat that has recliners on both sides with a center console thingy in it. LOVE IT! Sucks but the mattress will be delivered thursday, an the loveseat was back ordered so it won't be in until probably the 11th. We also went and bought a big ol' 40" flat screen TV since ours has bad sound that's going out now. Tomorrow we will get an entertainment center and set it up! We also realllllly need to get groceries!
I can't wait till this coming friday night! We are going to Bossier City! Michelle wanted a girls night and sooooo that's what we are doing! Amanda and her bff Angela are going too! I can't wait. For one night, it will be super nice!
Gavin is adorable lately! He says "BYE" and is so cute when he does! He also blows kisses! hehehe cute boy!
Monday, February 23, 2009
I'm trying hard to recover. I'm back to work today and worn out already! The drive makes me sleepier, and I'm pretty much stuck in my chair. I was supposed to join my boss at this bbq in Mt. Enterprise for the doctors out there but I am too dizzy to drive the extra way. It's gonna be hard enough in like 2 hours when I have to figure out how to leave and go see a patient. But that's a must. Her BP is up. Anyhooow, I'm just trying to play catchup with everything they left for me while I was gone. Funny thing is, none of them are here. Wesley and Heather are in Mt. Enterprise, and Kelli was seeing patients then going to oral surgeon with her daughter then home to do paperwork. So I'm here. Alone. Have been since 10:45. Hate being alone up here sometimes. Michelle wants us to go for a girls night out in Bossier City the weekend of March 7. I'm not sure yet since I did just spend 9 days without Gavin. Chris will be at farm that weekend so I would have to get my mom to watch Gavin. It would only be one night, but still not sure she'll be ready to do it again yet! LOL
Sunday, February 22, 2009
I think the flu is purgatory on the way to hell. Since Tuesday evening I started feeling like poo. Wednesday I called in sick and went to urgent care because it was even worse. F L U. Yuck! I knew I shoulda got that damn vaccination! Anyway, I've felt like I was gonna die. I haven't felt that bad in like a decade or longer! I couldn't move, couldn't breath well, coughing up a lung, all my muscles ached so bad, couldn't eat without throwing up, pounding headaches, fever and chills. My boss made me go to work THursday morning. I got there somehow, really not sure how seeing as I'm also dizzy. After almost 2 hours of laying on my desk and everyone griping at him, he let me go home. It's all kinda blurry, can't believe I made it to and from work and lived through it. Anyway the rest of the last few days since Wednesday has been mostly sleeping and sweating out fevers. Coughing so hard my throat is sore and I've even been throwing up blood. I'm just now starting to feel like I might live through it. Worst part of it all is I only saw Gavin twice during this time. Since I was contagious :(. And Chris has the flu too, so Gavin stayed at my mom's. I really really miss him and keep crying about how much I miss him. He is coming home today though! Hopefully we will live thru it!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Las Vegas Baaabbbyyyy!
Las Vegas was very very fun! It was also very very tiring! I think we walked like 10 miles the first two days! The last two days we walked ALOT less LOL. We tried to see EVERYTHING but didn't quite do it. I can't wait to go back again with my best friend!! We left on Friday and stayed at this really nice hotel in Dallas, the Radisson. It had a sleep number bed LOL and a bar in the lobby! I know, easily pleased. We got up VERY VERY early Saturday morning. 4:45am!! Got to the airport and flew out at 7:15. Chris got very nervous but did very well! You could barely tell he was nervous! We landed at 8:15. We splurged and got a limo from the airport to the hotel! First time I'd ever ridden in one! Couldn't check into hotel yet so we checked our baggage at the bell boys desk and hit the road! We ate breakfast and walked and walked and walked. That first night we went to see the Cirque du Soleil show called Zumanity. It's the "Sensual" side of cirque du soleil. It was GREAT!!! We got the tickets free but I sooooo would have paid to see that. It's amazing. Couldn't take pictures though :(. One of my fave things we did was horse race betting! I won a couple times by picking the underdog horse that stood no chance and I bet $2 for that horse to win !! And guess what?! TWICE the underdog I chose won!! Once I got $68 dollars! And the next one I got $54! It was sooooo fuN! We also saw a topless vampire show called Bite. LOL It was cool, but way over rehearsed. Me and Chris also got tickets to walk through the Bodies exhibit. It was real human bodies cut up to show all the body systems, organs, etc. It was over priced but fun! Here are a bunch of pictures!

FOr more pictures visit my facebook page!
Friday, February 13, 2009
I suck!
I have been really really busy! That's my only excuse for not posting in like 2 weeks!! Last weeekend was fun! Me and Michelle went to Outback and shopping friday night which was fun and heartbreaking at the same time ! LOL. Spent lots of money. I had found THE cute dress for Vegas. But when I got home Chris didn't like it!! It was a $110 dress that I got for like $30 and he didn't like it! Grrrr. Soooo Saturday me and my mom shopped for over 4 hours!! It was fun and I got LOTS of things on serious sales! Now I'm trying to pack it all and I'm having a hard time getting it all to fit in my suitcase! lol. ANyway.....we are leaving today to drive to Dallas to stay the night. Then BRIGHT and early we are flying to Vegas!! I'm not taking my computer so the only info you'll get is on my facebook or text messages!!! :). We won't land back in Dallas tuesday night until 10:55 pm ! So You won't hear from me again until like Wednesday! I'm soooo excited I've never been anywhere like that! My tax return which was my spending money for the trip did not deposit today as expected! I was having a heart attack! But my ultra nice boss just transferred me $1000 from his acct to mine! :). Vegas here we come!!!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Sunday Drive
The boys are soooo cute together. Gavin has gotten to where he LOVES holding Ethan's hand! So in the car if Gavin is upset Ethan reaches over and holds his hand and he calms right down. It's sooo adorable. Gavin really looks up to his big brother and thinks he is amazing!

This is just silly cute! LOL. We got this sink plunger and all thru walmart Chris was making it suction to his belly and to Gavin's. So when we got home Gav kept wanting it to suck to his belly. LOL Weirdo's.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
30 Things
I saw this on a blog and thought I'd do it for fun!
30 things about me
P - Pretty Laid back
A - Animal lover
T - Text messaging fanatic!
R - Random is usually how I blog!
I - Introverted ! Majorly!
C - Compassionate when it comes to my patients
I - Intuitition helps me tell if I will like someone almost immediately. except guys of course LOL
A - a lover of music
M- Michelle Kincaide's best friend
I - in love with my husband
C- creating with paper is one of my favorite things to do
H-Happy to be a mommy to Gavin
E -Ethan's step mom!
L - Love reading books
L - Love the color RED!
E - extremely jealous person usually
C-called FREAKY by some of my best friends.
O-Overweight and I hate it, more than I ever have been by FAR!
O- One dedicated Director of Nurses at work
N-nurse, since 2001.
E- extremely addicted to the internet and my blackberry!
Y- yes, I'll admit it, I'm boring!
30 things about me
P - Pretty Laid back
A - Animal lover
T - Text messaging fanatic!
R - Random is usually how I blog!
I - Introverted ! Majorly!
C - Compassionate when it comes to my patients
I - Intuitition helps me tell if I will like someone almost immediately. except guys of course LOL
A - a lover of music
M- Michelle Kincaide's best friend
I - in love with my husband
C- creating with paper is one of my favorite things to do
H-Happy to be a mommy to Gavin
E -Ethan's step mom!
L - Love reading books
L - Love the color RED!
E - extremely jealous person usually
C-called FREAKY by some of my best friends.
O-Overweight and I hate it, more than I ever have been by FAR!
O- One dedicated Director of Nurses at work
N-nurse, since 2001.
E- extremely addicted to the internet and my blackberry!
Y- yes, I'll admit it, I'm boring!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I've been tagged!
Haven't been tagged in awhile so thought I'd do it!The Rules:1. Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures.2. Go to the 6th Folder, then pick the 6th picture in that folder.3. Post that picture on your blog and the story that goes along with the picture.4. Tag 6 other people that you know or don’t know to do the same thing and leave a comment on their blog or an e-mail letting them know you chose them. So here is my picture:

This picture was in June 2008. Gavin loves looking out he front door!!
Okay, I am going to tag:
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Isn't it great when all the pieces fall into place in life? Let's start with work. I was very fortunate when this job fell into my lap. It was a big leap going from somewhere I was comfortable and knew people and it was an established company. I felt some kind of pull to come to this brand new company who had not even gotten licensed, certified, or accredited yet. For those who don't know anything about home healthcare, when you apply for a license now you have to not only pass Medicare survey but you have to get nationally accredited. We chose to go through Joint Commission. It's a long drawn out ordeal to go through. LOTS of studying. Well our surveyor came last week and we passed with flying colors!! They said things like "as near perfect as we've seen", "excellent", "very impressed with the staff, and the hard work your DON has done." And I'm the DON! HA! Awesome! She told my boss that he's very lucky to have me! Soooo we are super happy around here right now. I've got lots of money spending to do up here now! HEHE. Gonna be real busy around here for awhile. Marketing, getting new computer systems, training on computer systems, and hiring several new people.
Second of all, I've got great family and great friends! I've got the best friend I could ever ask for! We are getting to see each other more than we had for awhile there and it's great! Now If I can get her and her husband to go to vegas with us in a couple weeks things will be marvelous!! I need to get back into my scrapbooking again, I feel so much better when I do it often. Overall I've been very happy lately. It's kinda like I found my place in life and I LOVE it.
I've also come to a place in my marriage where I am happy. I feel like all our bad times are finally paying off. I feel like my trust is slowly building back up. We had split up for a few months and we wrote lists of all the things we both wanted from our marriage in order to try to make it work. We both looked over the lists and said YES I CAN do this or NO I CANNOT. Well we both said yes so we planned on him moving back in. He moved back in almost a week later. What not many people know is that in that week alone he broke EVERY SINGLE promise he had made on that list. I found out the day he moved back in that he had been trying to get some girl to the farm to sleep with him 2 days before he came home!!! He had 2 secret email addresses full of messages from multiple girls including all the ones from the last year of our relationship problems and several NEW girls. He had been talking to all of them on THESE accounts and secret myspace page since at least June. The horrible other part is that in June is when we had a long talk with his mom and he admitted a few things but not nearly all of them and promised he was going to stop and not do it. But it was a 100 X's worse from june until he moved back in in October. I mean texting a girl and calling her repeatedly after we made promises to each other and decided to move back in together, trying to hook up with her, is horrible. I cried a whole lot that week. But decided that if he was willing to try then we would. I told him that MY side of the list was out the window until he could earn trust back. I told him that I would be asking ALL the time where he is and what he's doing. That I would be checking phone bill and internet whenever I felt like it. I said if this is NOT OK with you, then do NOT come home. I told him this would for sure happen as long as it took to rebuild my trust. I told him he better give me a damn good reason everyday to stay with him. He promised. And for awhile it was trying. He was try but i was still hurting. Afterawhile, like early december I started really feeling a difference with him. I started thinking farther into our future and planning to be together forever again. I started remembering why i fell in love with him in the first place. I decided that even if we fought every once in awhile that it would still be OK. This weekend was rough for us. I think it's a cummulation of things. I think he is not exactly happy with all the success I'm having at work. We are supposed to go on a trip and it's to celebrate ME for work and Chris won't fly! Because of my colitis and stuff there is NO way I'm staying with strangers so I don't get to go if chris doesn't go. He is very angry this weekend and I'm guessing its a mix of both. Well now I decided fine, I'll drive with Chris there and just leave a day earlier than they fly out. 22 hours straight of driving is going to SUCK SUCK SUCK. But if Michelle and Kris get to go it will be a blast I think! So we had a rough weekend, and I'm going to write this in hopes that he didn't mean half the things he said yesterday. We shall see.
Second of all, I've got great family and great friends! I've got the best friend I could ever ask for! We are getting to see each other more than we had for awhile there and it's great! Now If I can get her and her husband to go to vegas with us in a couple weeks things will be marvelous!! I need to get back into my scrapbooking again, I feel so much better when I do it often. Overall I've been very happy lately. It's kinda like I found my place in life and I LOVE it.
I've also come to a place in my marriage where I am happy. I feel like all our bad times are finally paying off. I feel like my trust is slowly building back up. We had split up for a few months and we wrote lists of all the things we both wanted from our marriage in order to try to make it work. We both looked over the lists and said YES I CAN do this or NO I CANNOT. Well we both said yes so we planned on him moving back in. He moved back in almost a week later. What not many people know is that in that week alone he broke EVERY SINGLE promise he had made on that list. I found out the day he moved back in that he had been trying to get some girl to the farm to sleep with him 2 days before he came home!!! He had 2 secret email addresses full of messages from multiple girls including all the ones from the last year of our relationship problems and several NEW girls. He had been talking to all of them on THESE accounts and secret myspace page since at least June. The horrible other part is that in June is when we had a long talk with his mom and he admitted a few things but not nearly all of them and promised he was going to stop and not do it. But it was a 100 X's worse from june until he moved back in in October. I mean texting a girl and calling her repeatedly after we made promises to each other and decided to move back in together, trying to hook up with her, is horrible. I cried a whole lot that week. But decided that if he was willing to try then we would. I told him that MY side of the list was out the window until he could earn trust back. I told him that I would be asking ALL the time where he is and what he's doing. That I would be checking phone bill and internet whenever I felt like it. I said if this is NOT OK with you, then do NOT come home. I told him this would for sure happen as long as it took to rebuild my trust. I told him he better give me a damn good reason everyday to stay with him. He promised. And for awhile it was trying. He was try but i was still hurting. Afterawhile, like early december I started really feeling a difference with him. I started thinking farther into our future and planning to be together forever again. I started remembering why i fell in love with him in the first place. I decided that even if we fought every once in awhile that it would still be OK. This weekend was rough for us. I think it's a cummulation of things. I think he is not exactly happy with all the success I'm having at work. We are supposed to go on a trip and it's to celebrate ME for work and Chris won't fly! Because of my colitis and stuff there is NO way I'm staying with strangers so I don't get to go if chris doesn't go. He is very angry this weekend and I'm guessing its a mix of both. Well now I decided fine, I'll drive with Chris there and just leave a day earlier than they fly out. 22 hours straight of driving is going to SUCK SUCK SUCK. But if Michelle and Kris get to go it will be a blast I think! So we had a rough weekend, and I'm going to write this in hopes that he didn't mean half the things he said yesterday. We shall see.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
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