Thursday, January 15, 2009


I am actually fairly smart. Or so everyone tells me. So when I post on my blog, guess what? I KNOW it is PUBLIC. I write things knowing that tons of people could and will read it. I post FOR myself, but with the KNOWLEDGE that people will read it. I read blogs too. I use Google Reader and subscribe to almost 200 blogs that I read when updated. It pops up automatically on my iGoogle page. I love that program! It helps me keep up with blogs without having to actually GO OUT AND SEEK the blogs, it comes to ME.

I have also gotten older. Yes, it's true, unfortunately. For some reason with time that happens. Strange. I've also thankfully gotten wiser. For instance, I know when I have a true real friend and when they are just a person who will fade out of my life in time. I know that everyone has those kinds of friends that come and go in life. There are friendships that are specifically there for a part of your life, for a reason. And when that reason is gone, so are they. That's life. I also know that there are certain people lucky enough to find a friend that is theirs for life. That will be there through thick and thin, ups and downs, good times and bad. They love you despite your faults and you love them despite theirs. You tell each other all your secrets and you laugh with each other and you make future lifelong plans with each other. I know people have to learn things the hard way sometimes, but eventually everyone will learn the lessons they are meant to learn. For instance, I've had multiple friends try to warn me on the relationship front about things they had been through, and as stubborn as I am, I never listen. Until it happens to me. THEN I'm like...OOOOH You were right! So knowing this, I try to let others see for themselves the things they need to see. And when someone needs to see someone for the childish bitch they are, they will eventually act like a childish bitch in front of that person and they will say... OOOOOH You were right, NOW I remember. I don't push people to see these things, they will see things in their own time.

The older I get I also realize the important things in life. My son. My Husband. My best Friend. My family. Some people don't put their children first, or their husband, or their friends, or even their family. They do whatever they want avoiding all responsibilities in life and neglecting things they should put their EVERYTHING into. Some people go around miserable(even if it is just on the inside)and hating life, and they try to take down everyone else in the world they get near. These are TOXIC people. They suck the life out of the people around them, they are selfish, and they don't give a damn about anyone but themselves, they use you when they need you and they come and go as they feel the need to pull you down with their hate for their job, their life, their family, EVERYTHING. I have had friends like this, so I know. I have purged this kind of people from my life. I'm in a good good place now. I'm happy with work. family. my son. my husband. my friendships. everything is good. And this is how I will continue. The people who know me really know me and know BS when they see it. That's all that matters to me.

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