Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Once you are a mother, you will forever be a mother, young moms and grandmothers alike. Being a mother involves a lifetime of learning, through each "season" of motherhood. 

We go from having our hair mussed and our eyes worn with lines from dozens of sleepless nights to skin lined with dozens of hard-earned years and the laughter of a thousand evenings around our mouths. Hopefully we will all have calloused hands and soft hearts from the loving on our family and for our family, and grooved into our souls.

I'm learning to teach about Jesus in the midst of our lives, in the fun times, the hard times and the sad times. I've learned it is important to me, and I think to my family, to have at least supper together each night. I've learned that I'm not the only one who hates spanking yet does it anyway because sometimes it's the only thing that will teach an 18-month-old and that later on, when they can reason, you can ask them to help you think of punishments, and let them choose. I am big on saying I love you A L O T. We say "I love you to the moon and back" and "I love you a thousand times infinity" and Gavin says "I love you even after we die and go to heaven and get new bodies." :)

I pray daily for strength in motherhood and the ability to show my kids (and my husband) Jesus, the gospel, the bible, the truth, all of it.

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