This weekend we went to the farm. Love relaxing time away from cell phones and people. Of course, small doses of this is all I need. I came back a day early to spend time catching up on TIVO'd soap operas and scrapbooking. :). Gavin was sick this weekend. I think it's just teething but not for sure. No new teeth have popped up. He's just had a fever off and on and thrown up a few times since last night. I hate when he's sick, BUT he loves to cuddle with his mommy when he is! :). Now he is in bed and Mommy is eating graham crackers dipped in melted dark chocolate and drinkin' up ice cold milk. And watching Days of Our Lives....lol. Ahhhhh thats the life. The farm is fun for sure, just kinda hard for me to do much when I've gotta stick around with Gavin since he's so little. Gavin LOVES riding the four wheeler! We really have a blast on that thing. The guys were there also tearing all the trees down in the woods. It's emptying out quick, which is really sad, but when you've got 80 acres, whats a few trees? Chris takes great pride in working hard out there, and it's so great of him to take care of it! And everyone loves a sweaty dirty man! :D. Well here are a few of my layouts from last week and I'll post more when I do them tomorrow. Goodnight!
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