Friday, August 29, 2008

Oooooh I sure can pick winners!!

Yes thats right. I should not be allowed to make decisions when it concerns my love life. I fell head over heels in love with a liar. Yes thats right. He has lied countless times. I've still got printed off emails that he has sent other girls that he still SWEARS up and down he didn't ever send. That his myspace, his email, his computer, my computer, the cell phone, the cingular bill, the computer browser history.....all lying about him, possessed! Can you say BULLSHIT?! And before you say it...yes i knew he was lying about those things. BUT I thought deep down he really loved me and he'd get over that and stop doing it. Yes, I'm a fixer. My friend said that I find these men and they are all fucked up and I think that loving them is ok because I can fix their problems. Well some people are too fucked up to fix. Once you lie to someone and they let you get away with it, you think it's ok to lie again and again because they don't care. Well lies build up and have a way of tearing your life apart and thats just what they did. It drove me to be mad all the time, because of the lies he told. And my fault in this is that I couldn't get over it. Sometimes a mountain of lies is just too big to climb over. It blocks out the sun and you see nothing but the dark shadows. It ruins every part of your relationship and the person you are with suffers deeply when they are lied to so much. And even now, when the facts don't matter, I'm still being lied to. I would just like to know some things before it's all said and done. I want the facts. It makes it easier. I sure made a wrong choice. I thought he would make a good father, and a good husband. I thought that in time the past would be the past and we could move forward. But no, he has failed on both accounts. And it turns out he has been planning this for months. That each of these times I've asked him to just tell me if he was really going to leave when he got a job and he swore up and down that he was planning on staying forever. Even the couple days before he left! WTF! And now I find out that months ago he went to a friend of my sisters to try to find out about getting his cell phone transferred to his own name and off my account. And now, even tonight, he is lying saying he didn't do it. Well this guy has no reason in the world to lie about this. He thought he should call and tell me back then but didn't feel it was his place to call and tell me my husband is an asshole. Well I guess I'm not really surprised. This is a small thing in comparison to the many other things he has done and said. I think this new job, this new life, and being a single mother is the best thing that coulda happened to me. Lots of things are going to be changing now. Some will be painful, but in the end it's what will make me happier!


Jenn said...

Hey there....a good friend of mine once told me "you can't fix what you didn't break"
i had a serious FIXING problem years ago and now am married to a pretty good guy...just keep thinking about the "can't fix" stuff...he was that way LONG before you met him and will very likely stay that way :)

Anonymous said...

There are so many better fish in the sea. I hate to say that but that guy is an asshole. You deserve so much better than that.