Thirteen Pictures I Found Online That I Love
1. Totally adorable! Looks like my cat Julius when he was a baby! 
2. OMG! Who doesn't love little posing dressed up babies! Love Anne Geddes!

3. Ahhhhh of my favorite things! They always cheer me up!

4. Beautiful sunset over the water......ahhhh peace.
5. So sweet and symbolic....momma's hands with babies feet 
6. Another classic!

7. The lone daisy.....braving the world all alone....yet standing tall!

8. heheheh adorable! Everyone who knows me knows I love pets!

9. Silly fat cat!!! Looks like me giggling LMAO!

10. oooooooh sooooo peaceful waterfall in the woods. Would love to see one like this in reality.

11. Tahiti--- I've always thought it was so beautiful and would love to go swing in a hammock over the blue ocean!

12. Raindrops make me smile! I loooooove the raiN! 
13. Completely silly! Love love love this one! |
Great pictures! I have fallen behind on my thursday 13. :(
By the way, You get first pick on the weekends!. I know thats the only time we see each other and that sucks!
I love those pictures...Great collection..
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