Monday, March 19, 2007

Just from March 2007


In general, human thought is interesting and so random at times. I wonder how sometimes people can think that there are endless supplies of things. Like friends. When you find a friend that you truly connect with, someone you can be friends with, don't let them go thinking there will be plenty of more, because there may not be. Like love. Do people truly think there are just plenty of people that can love them unconditionally and have a connection with? When you find love shouldn't you grab it and keep it so close to you and not let it go? There may never be another love like that. Trust me, I've thrown plenty away, mostly because it turned out not to be what I expected or wanted, but once or twice I have lost something special that I wish I hadn't lost because it has been almost impossible to find again. The more times my heart gets broken the more jaded I get. I get more and more picky and won't settle, which is actually making it harder and harder to find LOVE. I've always lived life thinking it won't last forever because it won't. You have to just give and give in order to receive, don't waste time thinking of all the bad stuff or the possibility that you are making a mistake, because life is full of mistakes and it's fine to make them, but you'll never know till you try.

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