Thursday, December 25, 2008

December 2008

Wow I can't believe it's been so long since I posted!!! Sorry! I've just been super busy this month! My best friend Michelle is having a girl!! I felt so special because only me and Amanda knew what she was having at first!!! :) But then Garrett blew the cover so she told everyone else. lol. Kids! I'm sooooo excited I've got bunches of pictures from this month to post. Gavin loves christmas :). He loves his big snow globe, his stuffed snow men and reindeer, the tree, and the lights!

He has changed a ton this month. He is still not talking but he has more pronounced sounds like he is trying. He does say dada and mamma sometimes. He has said Byeeee like two times. And he has asked maggie if she needs to "teeeteee" once! lol. He is trying! He also LOVES music and dancing! He can bust a move at the sound of a commercial lol. He is in an adorable stage. He already had 7 teeth and now he has two more molars trying to pop through. He is very clumsy! Loves his rocking horse and LOVES pushing buttons!!!!

After several "christmas'" with families we have LOADS of stuff !!

More pictures to come from christmas eve and christmas day!! :)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

OMG!!! That video was freakin hilarious!. How cute!. Hes growing up soooo big!!