Sunday, March 15, 2009

Gavin is Growing.

He is growing so fast!

Words he can say:
- Baby
- Bye Bye
- Night Night (niiii niiiii)
- Car (caaaaa)
- Ball (baaaaa)
- teee teee (when the dog needs to go out!)
- Dada (all the damn time)
- Momma (sometimes)

He never says anything on a regular basis, just occassionally.

He also knows where his belly button is and tells/shows everyone when asked :).

Tonight I discovered that he also knows where his nose is!!! I said "where is your belly button, and he lifted his shirt and pointed to it, then I said "where is your nose?" and he pointed to it!!!! He is soooo smart! heheheheheh

He is staying up a little later too!

He gets in trouble at school for hitting. He rolls his eyes too, very very deliberately!

Being a mom is so awesome, hard and exciting all at the same time! The only real hard parts are wanting to sleep in sometimes when I can't because he wants to wake up earlY! And temper tantrums for no reason whatsoever!! Plus the constant fear of him hurting himself, choking, falling, etc!

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