Saturday, July 30, 2011

The first Saturday...

Well I'm at peace with the idea of getting a divorce.
I'm ok with knowing that what's done is done.
I'm confident that I tried all I could possibly try.
I'm sure I'm a strong enough Mom to do this alone.
I know now that he was not my forever husband.
I'm positive better things will come my way.

But I'm NOT sure WHY he did those things to me.
I'm not ok with the idea that Me and My Boys weren't enough for him.
I'm mad that so much time was wasted when I knew deep down.
I'm sad that the boys do not have the fulltime Dad I hoped for them to have.
And I'm not happy when I have to let the Boys go to His house while I just hope the bag I packed is enough for them.
I don't like kissing them goodbye. :(

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