Saturday, January 31, 2009

30 Things

I saw this on a blog and thought I'd do it for fun!

30 things about me


P - Pretty Laid back
A - Animal lover
T - Text messaging fanatic!
R - Random is usually how I blog!
I - Introverted ! Majorly!
C - Compassionate when it comes to my patients
I - Intuitition helps me tell if I will like someone almost immediately. except guys of course LOL
A - a lover of music

M- Michelle Kincaide's best friend
I - in love with my husband
C- creating with paper is one of my favorite things to do
H-Happy to be a mommy to Gavin
E -Ethan's step mom!
L - Love reading books
L - Love the color RED!
E - extremely jealous person usually

C-called FREAKY by some of my best friends.
O-Overweight and I hate it, more than I ever have been by FAR!
O- One dedicated Director of Nurses at work
N-nurse, since 2001.
E- extremely addicted to the internet and my blackberry!
Y- yes, I'll admit it, I'm boring!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

love that! I am definately gonna do that when I have ya!