Thursday, August 7, 2008


I was not even looking for a new job and some how a job fell into my lap. Someone actually went to a friend of mine and talked about a job, and because they like their job, they barely even listened to the offer. BUT she referred them to me!! Told them all about me, so I called them. Not that I was looking, but thought what could it hurt to at least listen to what he has to say? So anyway, I did, and today I talked to him. It seems like a very great place to work. It's a little further drive, but won't really take any longer than it already takes me due to traffic in the morning. I currently go 10 miles to and from work, and it takes like 25 minutes, but it takes longer when school is in session. The new job is 33 miles away but it only takes 35 minutes to get there because I go the back roads, and the complete opposite of most people lol. I currently work 9 to 5 and don't get home till like 5:30. The new job is 8 to 4:30. So I'll be home a tiny bit earlier but I'll have to leave earlier. The current job I get to have lunch with michelle several times a week, but at the new job I wont get to at all. :(. But the job is pretty flexible. Like I asked them about what happens when my son gets sick and they said as long as my job is done it's no big deal if I have to take off when he's sick, or work half day, or even bring him into the office. I've got alot of control at the new place, I get to pick all our forms, OASIS, salaries, hire people, basically set everything up the way I would like it to be run. He said he won't step on my toes because he is not a nurse, I'll be in charge of that, but he will be there to back me up. The place I'm currently a SAYS I can do all of this, but undermines me left and right and I basically have NO power. I really like what I'm learning about this new place. I'm waiting on him to give me a salary offer and I'll see if it's worth the move. But they have already said money is not an issue because they have some major backers. :). I'm super excited! I'll keep ya informed!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Good luck!. Although we wont have lunch anymore, me and Victoria Lynn or Samuel Garrison will have to come up there and see you when I start working as a SAHM. lol.. Yeah I know, I am dreaming now..hehe. But, good luck!