Friday, August 1, 2008

Friend or Not?

Starting new friendships has never been my forte. Don't get me wrong, once I have a friend, I'm a great friend! I will do absolutely anything for my friends, especially my best friend in the whole world Michelle. Because I don't make friends easily, because I think most women are just venegeful people users, I hold tight to the ones I find worth having a friendship with. I had 2 best friends in nursing school, one just got busy in her own life and we stopped talking. The other one calls every once in awhile but it gets farther and farther in between. It's just when I fit into her life that she calls, even though I've gone above and beyond with her to ensure I got to see her. But thats history, water under the bridge, now. TRUE best friends can't go that long without talking! I have had lots of 'friends' that were just there in that one part of my life and then when I moved on or they did we just stopped being friends. So not real friendship in my opinion. Then I worked at a place for a long time and met lots of great people there (or so I thought). But slowly, as they all left that job, and I stayed, our friendships became not so important to them. I still thought some of them were my friends but when I gave them a chance, they just abused our friendship and then proved we were never really friends in the first place. My husband said he knew they weren't my real friends, or they would have been around more and cared more. I guess he was right. I just hate being sooooo wrong about people. I guess in some areas I trust too much. So here I am, once again a victim of misplaced friendship. Oh well, I just had to write about it, to get it off my chest because it really bothers me. I guess I will stick with the one person in the world I trust will always be my best friend, will never use me, and will always be there when I need her, MICHELLE! She is the definition of a true best friend. And funny/great thing about it is we are SOOOO alike and she agrees with me on this because she has been in the same boat, and she knows our friendship is one in a million! Love ya girl!!


Michelle said...

You "guess" you will just stick with me?? Thanks. LOL. Just kidding.
You know that I treasure our friendship and it is the one thing in my life that hasnt changed, no matter what was going on in either of our lives. We are both very alike and couldnt imagien my life ever without you!. In fact, what did I ever do before you??

Anonymous said...

You are so right. I have two best friends that are always there for me. We can go for days without talking (more than that for one of my friends) but when we see each other or talk it is like no time has passed. I don't think we've ever run out of things to talk about. I've been friends with one of them for 28 years(since 8th grade). She and I don't get to see each other much because she lives in Indiana and I live in Kentucky but we are still as close as we were in high school. My other best friend was my neighbor when I bought my first house and it is scary how alike we can be. True friends really are treasures.

Thanks for sharing.
